Maxflix Media.

  • Tunatanguliza shukrani kwa Mwenyenzi Mungu kwa kutuweka pamoja kwa kipindi chote ndani ya ma group yetu ya ki taaluma.
  • Tunaendelea kusisitiza watu kufuata group description kila wakati.
  • Katika kutimiza mwaka mmoja ndani ya academic platforms zetu, tumeanzisha YouTube channel yetu iitwato Maxflix Tv.
  • Channel hii itakua mahususi kwa Habari na Video za Ki Taaluma.
  • Tupo katika mchakato wa kutafuta walimu kwa nafasi za kazi kwa muda wa ziada za kuandaa  video contents zinazohusu masuala ya kitaaluma hasa topics tunazofundisha darasani. 
  • Tumeanza kwa kuandaa shindano dogo (MAXFLIX TV CHALLANGE) na maelezo ya namna ya kushiriki yapo hapo chini.

Subscribe  You Tube Channel yetu hapa.👈

Watch Videos from our You Tube channel 👈

WhatsApp Channel👈

Telegram Channel👈



01. Prepare a short Video clip based on Academic matters.

02. Make sure your recording device (Phone/Camera) is not shacking as you are recording.

03.The length of the video should be at least  3Minutes and at most 10Minutes.

04. Only Video with good quality will be considered. 

05. It is your option to include your face or not as your shooting. 

06. You may use Swahili or English language. 

07. Make sure the matter/topic is well understood.

08. Send your video through WhatsApp or Telegram no 0766646276.



01. After sending your video, it will be uploaded in our You Tube channel (Maxflix Tv).

02. The owner of the video with many Views, Likes and Shares will be the winner.

03. Immediately as you send the video, we will upload it on YouTube and The challenge will begin.

04. The Winner will be announced two months from the beginning of the challenge.

05. The winner will be  awarded a prize of 20$  


 The challenge begins 01/04/2024 - 30/04/2024.

For more info call 0766646276