Dar es Salaam. Mobile internet subscribers in Tanzania have surpassed 33 million at the end of March, TCRA’s first quarter report says.

The latest data from Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) showed that the number of mobile internet subscribers stood at 33.09 million by the end of March 2023, a 6.1 percent increase from 31.1 million subscriptions recorded by December 2022.

According to the regulator, the trend in the number of subscriptions to the Internet shows an average growth rate of 17 percent annually for the past five years.

According to the statistics during the quarter ending March 2023, video streaming services accounted for the largest bandwidth usage.

The service that used more bandwidth (in GBs) was Facebook with a total of 48.99 Million GBs which mostly is due to Facebook video services.

The second was YouTube with a total of 35.96 Million GBs.

“This is because video streaming services have shown a great consumption of bandwidth than other services,” the TCRA’s report reads in part.

Third was WhatsApp with 32.2 Million GBs, Tik Tok with 25.9 Million GBs, Instagram with 12.5 Million GBs, HTTP with 4.16 Million GBs, BitTorrent with 3.77 Million GBs, Netflix with 3.42 Million GBs, Twitter with 1.45 Million GBs and lastly Snapchat with 1.4 Million GBs.