Are you a biomedical engineering graduate looking to have a good job? Or have you been unable to succeed in interviews even after repeated attempts? If so, study and practice these interview questions and answers to ace your next interview. 

Even if you are now a permanent employment, just pass through the questions below .They will help you in your future days.

1. Why Are You Interested in This Field?

The response you give when asked this question indicates your objectives towards this role. The best way to respond to the question is by describing how your qualifications connect to the job.

Sample Answer

“I have always wanted to work in an environment that will allow me to  help patient directly or indirectly by using the skills and knowledge I have gained in this field. My passion to understand the human body by conducting medical research makes this an interesting field for me. I am more focused to save and improve lives. I am looking for an environment that will enable me to develop procedure or device to bring a positive impact on the world”.

2. What Are The Roles Of Biomedical Engineers?

The interviewer wants to understand your familiarity with the roles of a biomedical engineer. So, briefly describe several roles.

Sample Answer.

“Biomedical engineers perform a wide range of tasks. They can work in laboratories, industrial settings, hospitals, or universities. Some of the tasks they perform include designing and developing medical equipment, lab designs, therapeutic strategies, artificial organs as well as creating different medical sensors. They also train other personnel on how to use medical equipment. Biomedical engineers who work as technicians offer technical support in maintaining, repairing, installing, and adjusting biomedical equipment every day.”

3. What Are The Qualities of Biomedical Engineer for the Better Successful?

This question helps the recruiting team to understand whether you are aware of the qualities that a good biomedical engineer should have. Highlight some of the traits you believe are what makes a good biomedical engineer.

Sample Answer

“To be successful, a biomedical engineer needs to be proficient in advanced mathematics as well as being in a position to solve complex issues as they emerge quickly and efficiently. He/ she must have strong communication skills to be able to clearly communicate with patients and other healthcare personnel. Additionally, a biomedical engineer needs to have strong analytical, organizational, and critical thinking techniques.”

4. What are Major Challenges  You Faced During Your Last Role? How Did You Manage Them?

The interviewer asks this question to find out whether you have abilities to face challenges. Demonstrate your problem-solving skills in your response.

Sample Answer

“In my previous role, every day had its own challenges from logistic, technical to financial challenges. When I began working in this field my knowledge of working with medical equipment was sound. However, repairing and installing some of the equipment was completely new. I took this challenge upon myself by putting extra time to learn more about repairing equipment and installing them. I maintained a cordial relationship with other workers and as we interacted, I could seek answers to most of the questions I had. After a few days, I had learned everything that I required as a biomedical engineer and I could work comfortably without straining.”

5. Describe Your Daily Routine as a Biomedical Engineer.

This question helps the recruiting team to understand how you prioritize your duties. The best strategy is to list some of the duties of a biomedical engineer in a way that reflects proper management of time.

Sample Answer

“My daily routine as a biomedical engineer begins by evaluating medical equipment to certify safety standards are being observed and performance is being reached as expected. Other duties include designing and developing medical diagnostic and clinical instrumentation and procedure as I use the principle of engineering science. Using signal processing methods, I diagnose and interpret bioelectric information. In addition, I do train personnel how to handle medical equipment. Regularly, I perform research to clearly understand patients’ biological system.”

6. Describe Briefly About Your Working Experience.

The interviewers ask this question to know whether your background and experience match what they are looking for in a candidate. In your response, summarize your previous work history and relate it to the job.

Sample Answer

“Besides having a master’s degree in biomedical engineering, I possess an associate in sciences with a background in computer science. I have learned many skills including programming and equipment repair. Previously, I have worked in a biomedical company where I was tasked with conducting research and developing medical equipment. Other duties included: analyzing and designing solutions for problems the biology and medical sector faces regarding patient health.”

7. What Kind Of Strategies And Mind-Set is Required For This Role?

The hiring manager wants to know your attitude towards the role should you be hired. Show your positive attitude in implementing this role. You can describe some of the skills and strategies you’ll employ while performing your roles.

Sample Answer

“I believe that a biomedical engineer should be focused on saving and improving patients’ lives. This will require determination and patience. A skilled biomedical engineer needs to be ready to work under pressure as he or she finds solutions to complex challenges that affect patients. He or she should possess strong communication skills to be able to deliver complex information in simplicity to patients and other health personnel. Additionally, every biomedical engineer must always act swiftly in responding to complex issues as they arise in a health sector.” 

8. What is The Biggest Challenge That You Foresee in This Job?

Your response to this question demonstrates your preparedness to deal with challenging situations. The best way to handle this question is to demonstrate that you are up to date with the changes taking place in this field and you can handle them once they arise.

Sample Answer

“The major challenges I foresee in this field is how technology is changing fast. There is competition in the way equipment is being manufactured. The majority of the manufacturers are designing products that do not allow the use of universal accessories hence complicating the work of biomedical engineers. Most of these products only accept proprietary accessories. As a result, hospital Biomed are forced to maintain a segregated collection of accessories for each style of monitor, anesthesia table, and machine. However, having worked in this field for four years now, I have acquired knowledge that will help me ensure that the same technology and equipment are used throughout healthcare systems. I will focus on streamlining administrative tasks to minimize variations and unnecessary care.” 

9. How Do You Stay Motivated in Your Work?

This question enables the recruiting team to know your interests and values. In your response, highlights your topmost values and interests and demonstrate how they drive you to work. 

Sample Answer

“This is what I was called to do. It keeps me motivated to know that I am in the right career. My passion to see the lives of patients being changed through my knowledge and skills keep me motivated. I enjoy teaching patients and other personnel how to use different equipment in the health system. I value education because it’s the best entity one can offer. It makes me feel worthy to be in a position to share knowledge. I know once people get enlightened, they can face any challenge that comes their way in confidence.”

10. Describe A Time When You Failed in This Role And The Lesson You Learnt?

Your response to this question demonstrates whether you are the type of people who own mistakes or those that give excuses and blame others for the mistakes they have committed. Highlight a real failure you have had. Begin by describing the situation and state the lessons you picked from it.

Sample Answer

“I was designing and developing a piece of medical equipment that was very key as far as the running of our health system was concerned. I was very eager to please the hospital management that I assured them that I could finish that project in 3 months. The hospital management began to advertise that they could offer some other additional services to patients with specified medical conditions. They requested patients to begin the bookings since they were very confident that the medical equipment needed for that task was to be in place in due time. To cut the story short, I completed the project in 4 months and the management was not happy with me. This situation taught me that I should have been more conservative in my time estimation to the management. I now know that you cannot upset a person if you speak the truth of the matter in advance. However, you may disappoint them if you promise them something yet you cannot deliver all in the name of pleasing them. Today, I am better at managing expectations of my clients during all the projects that I oversee.”

11. Why Do You Feel You Are The Most Suited For This Role?

The hiring team wants to find out whether you are ready for the challenge. Showcase your best traits and skills and connect them to the job description.

Sample Answer

“I am hardworking, team player, and a resulted person with a degree in biomedical engineering. I have also completed several apprenticeships and work-study programs in medical technology. Previously, I have worked in a hospital setting where I have acquired more skills in this field through practicing the roles of a biomedical engineer as well as going through on-job training. Some of my duties included designing and developing medical equipment, lab designs, therapeutic strategies, artificial organs as well as creating different medical sensors. I am looking for an environment that will allow me to use my knowledge and skills to thrive more in this field.”

12. Share With Us Your Greatest Achievement.

The response you give to this question describes what you consider a success. However, it is an opportunity for you to brag about your achievements. Share what you are proudest of in your recent job.

Sample Answer

“My greatest achievement is when I managed to train my co-worker how to use software that helped them to use bring together most of the accessories that were being used in the hospital. This helped them to access them from the comfort of their computer hence making work easy. It also simplified the work of the biomedical engineers who were tasked with maintaining the segregated collection of accessories.”

13. What Is A Microarray Is And How It Is Used?

This is a technical question to test your skills and knowledge in this field. Define the definition and explain how it is being used.

Sample Answer

 “A microarray is a laboratory tool that can be defined as an array of biological samples used to analyze the genetic information. This tool is used to detect single nucleotide polymorphism, gene expression profiling, detecting alternative splicing as well as other genomic studies. “

14. What Are The Most Common Technologies Used In Medical Imaging?

This is a technical question meant to determine your knowledge of a specific area within the biomedical field. Use the knowledge you have acquired in this field to respond to this question. 

Sample Answer

“There are several types of medical imaging technology used in the field of healthcare and research such as nuclear medicine, electron microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MRI, computer tomography, radiography, thermography, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, and positron emission tomography, or PET. The type of imaging used depends on either the medical practice or the type of research being performed.”

15. What Do You Understand By Therapeutic Cloning, And How Is It Used?

This is another technical question to test your knowledge and skills in the biomedical field. Showcase your knowledge in this field by responding to this question with confidence.

Sample Answer

“Therapeutic cloning can best be illustrated as the duplication of DNA or a portion of a DNA strand. It’s sometimes called somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cloning involves using embryos that contain stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the capability of renewing and are pluripotent, meaning they can grow into more than 220 different types of cells found in the human body.”

16. Describe what is pathogen and name some common characteristics of pathogens

Your response to this question will demonstrate your knowledge in the field of biomedical engineering. This question should be easy for you since you are likely to have encountered pathogens in the work you do. Rely on your education and experience to respond to this question.

Sample Answer

“The term pathogen is commonly used for any organism that feeds on other organisms. Pathogens are transported through various routes such as sexual contact, direct or indirect contact, airborne, through body fluids, and blood. Some types of pathogens are fungal, bacterial, and viral. Pathogens are commonly associated with diseases but some have useful purposes including destroying pests and fighting the very disease they cause, for instance, a flu vaccine.”

17. What Do You Understand By Myoelectric Control, And How Is It Used In The Field Of Biomedical Engineering?

This question is testing whether you are familiar with the field of artificial limbs. Rely on your past experience and knowledge to respond to this question.

Sample Answer

”Myoelectric control implies the use of signals from a residual limb to control the movement of a prosthetic attachment to the limb. Myoelectric control technologies obtain signals from the skin on the limbs and transmit them to mechanical devices within a prosthetic. The signals are detected by sensors, transmitted by circuits, controlled by intelligent chips which then send signals to mechanical devices to move and actuate the prosthetic.”

18. Explain the Difference Between Exons and Introns.

The interviewer is testing whether you are familiar with these terms. Demonstrates that you are well familiar by defining the terms using your past experience and education.

Sample Answer

“An exon refers to a sequence in DNA or its RNA transcript. Further, An exon can be defined as a nucleic acid sequence that is represented in the mature form of an RNA molecule. An intron can be defined as any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing to generate the final mature RNA product of a gene. The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts. Introns are found in the genes of most organisms and many viruses.”

19. Can You Explain The Difference Between Gram-Negative Bacteria And Gram-Positive?

This question will help your interviewer to know your understanding of biomedical practices. Be brief in your answer but precise.

Sample Answer

In gram staining protocol, gram-positive bacteria are stained dark blue or violet. Crystal violet stain can be retained by the gram-positive bacteria because of the high amount of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. Gram-positive cell walls typically lack the outer membrane found in Gram-negative bacteria. In the gram staining protocol, gram-negative bacteria do not retain crystal violet dye. Gram-negative bacteria have the pathogenic capability. Gram-negative bacteria have a cytoplasmic membrane which is not present in gram- positive bacteria.”

20. Breakdowns In The Hospital Can Occur At Any Time, Even After Your Scheduled Shift. Are You Available To Work After Your Scheduled Shift And On Weekends?

The interviewer asks this question to test your flexibility. In your response demonstrate that you are flexible and you have an interest in the job.

Sample Answer

“I am dedicated to my work and I strive to be effective as possible daily. I hope to complete all the necessary repairs when I am on shift. However, in times of an emergency, I will try and adjust my schedule to avail myself for the task that may arise.”